Commercialising Industry Experience

For over 25 years Redgum have been working with industry experts, translating their knowledge into marketable products, services and serious competitive advantages.

Do any of the following statements apply to you?

  • Are you considered an expert in your field?
  • Have you been working in your field and think there should be a better way?
  • Have you worked through a model or workflow to help others?
  • Do you see a problem in your industry that has so far just been accepted as “the way it is” by others?
  • Do you have a magic spreadsheet, set of checklists, process documentation, complex survey, or other model you use now?
  • Have you written or could you write a thesis on the practical steps other people should go through in order to be successful?
  • Do you have a vision for making peoples lives better by building a product, service and business out of your expertise?

What can Redgum do to help?

Redgum guide and support you to translate your vision into a cloud service, app or platform. We help you work through both the technical aspects and the business model, revenue streams and growth strategy for your new solution.

Redgum then bring in the right combination of partners from our network to help you with all the other aspects of building your business. These can include sales, marketing, branding, SEO/SEM specialists, designers, grants/funding and investors.

How do Redgum help you realise your vision?

Our R&D focus has been on how to translate your deep industry domain knowledge into software platforms combined with how to derisk the software development process for these highly complex projects.

Discovery and Planning. Starting with your prospective customer, the value you provide to that customer, how you are going to make money from it long term, how you can fund the growth in the shorter term and the business model that will get you there.

Architecture and design. Redgum provide user experience design and software architecture which is used to plan and cost the project plus provides clear guidelines for investment stakeholders.

Engineering, development and quality Redgum Engineers work with your key domain experts and stakeholders to identify every piece and detail how the piece fits into the overall picture, plus identify the risks and quality guidelines appropriate for the task. Redgum developers build the solution to meet the engineering and quality guidelines identified.

Market entry and scale. Redgum help you plan and trial aspects of the solution with key early adopters, work through the feedback and adapt the solution to produce the first release product. Redgum then build the remaining supporting elements to ensure the product scales and responds to the audience demand.

Growing the business. Redgum bring in other partners to help with business strategy, internationalisation, sales, marketing, SEO/SEM, funding strategies and the other elements required to transform your idea into a product and operating business.

Support and Improvement. Redgum support you over the lifetime of the solution through our 3 support programs:

  • Maintenance. Ensuring the solution remains operational. Backups, notifications, upgrades, monitoring supporting platforms and third party integrations are still working.
  • Continuous Improvement. Ensuring the solution remains current to the users and current to the surrounding technology landscape.
  • Emergency Response. When problems arise, we are there to diagnose and fix it. The response and focus levels can be adjusted based on the risk posed to your business or your clients businesses..

Case Studies


Our client is one of the foremost experts on construction law, he has written books comparing construction law practice worldwide. His vision is to create a solution to ensure his large construction clients stay out of court and off the front page of newspapers (for the wrong reasons).

Problem: Large construction projects involve a huge array of stakeholders including 10 to 30 subcontractors. Each one has their own contract, with its own rules and criteria.

When an event occurs, something as mundane as a rainy day, this can mean each and every contractor gets an extension of time, but each contract stipulates a different time. It means that all the project plans, timeframes and costings need to be adjusted.

At the moment the primary supplier does not have a clear picture on which contracts are affected, which contractors are entitled to an extension, what the costs and timeframe changes are required to account for these. In fact as they work in different locations they may not be aware it was raining until the first claim is made, assuming the contractor remembers to claim. This is how big projects blow out and make headlines.

Solution: Redgum have been working with OneTrack to build a platform that brings all parties together on a single platform to collectively manage each project.

Redgum have translated the detailed concepts and workflows into a software solution that can adapt to the constraints of each contract in each scenario catered for in construction contracts worldwide.

RCAT is a remarkable platform and a prime example of translating highly complex and dense domain knowledge, the laws and regulations around Australia and distilling them down into easily accessed, digestible and actionable knowledge.

Problem: Most organisations, government departments and NGOs are blissfully unaware of the regulatory and legal risks they face utilizing their software systems. The first time most find out they are contravening a law is when they appear on the front page of a newspaper or get a court summons.

Solution: Redgum worked with the client’s domain experts to build a platform provides a simple set of Yes/No questions for the head of each department. The result is a clear and actionable report showing governance leads where to focus the risk mitigation efforts.

AtPace have spent many years proving and perfecting a series of processes and a discipline that enables large scale organisations to plan, manage and coordinate their workforce across their project portfolios.

Problem: Organisations have thousands of staff spread across hundreds of projects and no clear idea of who is assigned to what over the next 2 years.

Solution: Redgum have been helping AtPace translate their spreadsheet model into a software platform that enables project coordination teams and project managers to forward plan, request and allocate resources and then progressively adapt, reassessing needs, allocations and locking in a short-term window while enabling the long-term plan to remain agile as time progresses.